14 Furniture pieces you can buy from fellow Maltese homeowners right now!

We’ve picked 14 furniture items that you can buy from fellow Maltese homeowners who are currently selling them; our list includes dining tables, units, bed frames, and furniture sets. We want to challenge you to imagine the ways you can take any of the listed pieces and transform them.

A lick of paint and a touch of creativity is all it takes to turn second-hand furniture and furnishings into gems that exude modern flair. Looking for inspiration? Check out like Thomas Camilleri‘s home, which he decorated entirely with furniture pieces and items that are decades old, from mid-century G-plan to soft furnishings acquired from his great grandfather.

Even if your intention isn’t to furnish your home with traditional furniture, adding one or two second-hand pieces or antiques is still a fantastic way to inject character and local spirit into your interiors.

If you’re interested in any of the items we’ve listed, remember to contact the seller as soon as you can, as others may have already inquired about it!

Featured item: Vanity unit restored from Christine Sirol Wright

From Christine: This piece of furniture was upcycled keeping in mind the era of it together with what would be the best type of Maltese household for this vanity unit. It was painted in a bold bluish colour with a touch of white, while keeping its original mirror and knobs. The original mirror can be replaced easily.

The Vanity Unit is currently on Sale @ €175


H- 174cm
L- 107cm
W- 42cm


1. Table & chairs from Anna Mario Camenzuli

Ideal for dining spaces or office boardrooms, this table measures 1.5m x 2.5 m.
Price: €100
Location: Santa Venera
No information about delivery provided.

Contact seller here.

Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoor

2. Juniper wood folding table from Anthony George Bonanno

Anthony describes outdoor table is brand new, sealed in box, and measures 90 cm by 90 cm by 74 cm. Item is actually pictured outside its box, but we assume what Anthony meant is that the original packaging of the table is still available.
Seller will deliver this item for free.
Revolut payments are accepted.
Price: €47.00

Contact seller here.

3. Vintage bedroom set from Marilyn Pace Mintoff

Marilyn is selling this vintage bedroom set to make space. All the furniture in this set is in immaculate condition from a smoke-free and pet-free house. (A note from the House.mt: Smoke from cigarettes actually does harm and discolour furniture over time, so it’s a good idea to ask about this when you’re buying second-hand furniture!). Set includes bed, enclosed drawers, wardrobe, mirror etc. Note from Marilyn: Certain items seen in pictures are not included; we assume she’s referring to the soft furnishings and ornaments.

Price is negotiable.
Transportation and lifting not included in price.

Contact seller here.

4. Coffee table from Ray Saliba

This coffee tables features stunning baroque stonework, and is priced at €198.00. Ray Saliba does not provide details. If you’re interested in acquiring this item, we recommend you contact him directly.

5. Table with four chairs and unit from Antoine Galea

Size: 95cm x 195cm
Price of table: Euro 50 or best offer
Price of unit: Euro 50 or best offer

6. Cane unit from Lucienne Azzopardi

Cane unit with glass showcase. In good condition. Measuring 154x230x46.
Price: €150

To contact Lucienne, click here.

7. House Clearance from Tracey Faith

This house clearance includes over 34 products, check them out here!

8. Sofa and armchairs from Christine Scerri

This sofa has been bought from Fino and its plastic cover was never removed. According to seller, set is in mint condition.

Find out more about this item here.

9. Doorknob from Joseph Mallia

Price: €75
Find out more here.

No photo description available.

10. Antique chest of drawers from Eva Zarb Szabo

Price: €750
Find out more here.

11. Antique round table from Annabel Busuttil

Price: €600
Find out more here.

12. Coffee table from Mauro Deguara

Price: €70
Find out more herre.

13. Showcase from Lucienne Azzopardi

Measuring 92x118x38cm
Price: €128

Find out more.

14. Brass Bed from Melvin Xuereb

Old Brass Bed in excellent condition. Size is 150×190. Includes full wooden slats but without mattress.
Pickup from Siggiewi.
Price: € 625

Find out more here

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