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A video showcasing the proposed revamp of the entrance and other areas in Senglea’s ramparts drew highly divided reactions. Locals accused the government of playing smoke and mirrors to cover-up for the take-over of another part of Senglea and Vittoriosa by the American University of Malta. Others noted that the design and aesthetic of the revamp does not really fit the city’s character and identity.
Il-proġett tad-daħla tal-Isla. Investiment ta' €2 Miljun
Il-proġett tad-daħla tal-Isla. Proġett fejn mhux talli ser inkunu qegħdin nagħtu lura lill-pubbliku parti mis-sur li bħalissa mhux aċċessibli, iżda ser inkunu qegħdin noħolqu aktar spazji miftuħa u pjazza tixraq għal din il-belt storika f’nofs il-Kottonera u l-port il-kbir. Investiment ta' €2,000,000F'dan il-proġett mhux ser jitnaqqsu l-ammont ta' siġar eżistenti.
Gepostet von Konrad Mizzi am Samstag, 26. Oktober 2019
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The video, published by Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi, was uploaded right before a local protest took place in Senglea itself. Locals congregated at an open space near Il-Maċina in Senglea to protest further extension of the American University of Malta by Sadeem Group.
Of particular concern to residents is the removal of the car park to accommodate the AUM extension, which residents find ludicrous as this will further exacerbate traffic and parking problems in the area. Moreover, the removal of the car park would mean cars would have to be parked within Senglea, making the ‘car-less’ vision of Senglea showcased in the video impossible.
Reactions by locals
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What does the project include?
The €2m project was announced in the Budget by Dr Mizzi, who told a press conference on Friday that the project will restore public access to part of the bastions which is currently unavailable, and create an open space and a square for the historic city.
The minister explained that the project will have two phases. The first phase will entail the restoration of the gate and parts of Fort St Michael and the Senglea clock tower. The second phase will be dedicated to the square, the city entrance and 3000 square meters of paving. To accomodate the creation of the square, the local boċċi club will be relocated under the Belvedere accessible through a new staircase and a lift.
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What do you think of the project?
Our team at House.mt is always on the look-out for spaces, places, and things that are being built up, torn down, modernised, restored, or re-purposed – be it by a big team or a one-man(or woman)-army.
Send us a message on our Facebook page or via email, [email protected].
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